Ace the Saskatchewan GDL Class 7 Learner Exam 2024 – Drive Your Way to Success!

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What is the maximum jail time for impaired driving causing bodily harm or death under the Criminal Code of Canada?

5 years

10 years

Up to life in jail

The maximum jail time for impaired driving causing bodily harm or death under the Criminal Code of Canada is up to life in jail. This is because impaired driving causing bodily harm or death is considered a very serious offense in the eyes of the law. It not only puts the life of the driver in danger, but also the lives of any passengers or others on the road. Due to the severity of the potential consequences, the maximum punishment for this crime is up to life in jail, which emphasizes the gravity of the offense. Options A, B, and D are incorrect as they all fall short of the maximum punishment allowed, making them less severe in comparison. It is important to note that the exact sentence will depend on the individual circumstances of the case and can vary.

15 years


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